Sunday, November 23, 2008

What MDGoal struck me the most.

First of all my fellow readers, let me tell you what Millennium Development Goal is. It is a United Nations Organization that works together to stop poverty before 2015. Trying to end Extreme Poverty is their main goal. If we could achieve this, we could also put an end to the eight other goals.

The goal that struck me the most was the goal "Reduce Child Mortality". This was our assigned report. No, I didn't choose this goal because I already know facts about it. I chose this because I enjoy kids, and knowing that they would die because of a preventable disease? just broke my heart. To know that over 29,000 kids under the age of five die every 21 seconds is heartbreaking. Isn't it?

I really hope we could help end this catastrophe. Help the world out, join organizations to end this, lets start caring more for the kids in developing countries, give out medicines, let them enjoy life like a five-year-old kid, support the organization/organizations about child mortality. Make the world a better place. Just like what Michael Jackson sang

"Heal the world. Make it a better place. For you and for me and the entire human race. There are people dying, if you care enough for the living...
Make a better place for you and for me".

It's not yet the end. There's still hope.

This is how to achieve development-- to make a move..

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