Friday, November 14, 2008

v.i.p. passes

Good Day!
okae, so today was a very tiring day. The fact that our class started at 8am and then finished at 7:40pm. phew! tiring huh? That's not the worse part of it, it was raining hard today. HARD! but then it stoped, and then rained again.. and grabeh pa gyud ka igang! GOSH! could the day get worse? :) no. coz a matter of fact... I GOT VIP PASSES to the PCCL. Basketball players from FEU, ADZ, XU, USC..etc. nice isn't it? lots and lots of cute guys.

Cloty got to meet them and got pictures taken with them. I tell you, she had FUNNN. haha
Yes, we all had fun. I didn't get to meet the players though, jus shook their hands for congratulations and good lucks.

Till next time FEU, ADZU and USC! ^_^
This is not the end..haha

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