Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Road always traveled.

P.E. class finished early today (10/12/08), so i managed to go home for lunch since i wanted to save that extra 50php--Christmas is just around the corner you know. hehe
So anyway, as i was walking home to the usual road i always go, something or SOMEONE caught my attention. There was this old man, more or less a beggar, or i don't know what to call him, okae ... unfortunate man. sounds better doesn't it? hmm. okae to continue, he was crippled, he was having a hard time walking. I don't know why he was in our road, our road was like very rocky and there were a little trees to give shade so it was really hot. I continued walking and then thinking to myself, "should i give this man money so that he could buy water?".. I kept on thinking about that over and over again. But i was mindless, so mindless that i just passed him by. :( geeee~ I felt guilty, I felt that God was talking to me saying "Poy, you should have helped him." Damn.

What if we were in his shoes? What if we were the ones who were unfortunate, crippled, the ones who needed help? How would we feel if those people who we asked for help didn't help us? Ask yourself that...

Till nextime :)

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