Friday, November 21, 2008

Go ahead...replace her.

He said he loves her so much. She believes it with her whole heart. He's always never around, or he's there but his mind is in some distant place that only he knows where.

She talks about it. He said its nothing, he's not anywhere but there with her. She's now scared. She loves him too, but she's not sure anymore. Although his heart is hers, it's hollow inside. She talks to him again, about what's happening -- he doesn't even look at her straight in the eyes.

She never felt this way, to be so in love, to have someone there, yet feel so alone.
Isn't he supposed to be the one to wipe her tears, the one to say that he would never leave?

She doesn't know what hurts him but she can feel it too
And it just hurts so much to know that she can't do a thing
And deep down in her heart, somehow she just knows that no matter what
She'll always love him.

She has him. She wants him back. The time where she knows when he looks at her, she's the only one he sees. Where is that? Is it her who's distant or him? He said he's always been there. She said that too. Where do they go now? Is there anything left to love about?

"Go ahead...replace me." she said.

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