Sunday, November 23, 2008

What MDGoal struck me the most.

First of all my fellow readers, let me tell you what Millennium Development Goal is. It is a United Nations Organization that works together to stop poverty before 2015. Trying to end Extreme Poverty is their main goal. If we could achieve this, we could also put an end to the eight other goals.

The goal that struck me the most was the goal "Reduce Child Mortality". This was our assigned report. No, I didn't choose this goal because I already know facts about it. I chose this because I enjoy kids, and knowing that they would die because of a preventable disease? just broke my heart. To know that over 29,000 kids under the age of five die every 21 seconds is heartbreaking. Isn't it?

I really hope we could help end this catastrophe. Help the world out, join organizations to end this, lets start caring more for the kids in developing countries, give out medicines, let them enjoy life like a five-year-old kid, support the organization/organizations about child mortality. Make the world a better place. Just like what Michael Jackson sang

"Heal the world. Make it a better place. For you and for me and the entire human race. There are people dying, if you care enough for the living...
Make a better place for you and for me".

It's not yet the end. There's still hope.

This is how to achieve development-- to make a move..

Friday, November 21, 2008

Go ahead...replace her.

He said he loves her so much. She believes it with her whole heart. He's always never around, or he's there but his mind is in some distant place that only he knows where.

She talks about it. He said its nothing, he's not anywhere but there with her. She's now scared. She loves him too, but she's not sure anymore. Although his heart is hers, it's hollow inside. She talks to him again, about what's happening -- he doesn't even look at her straight in the eyes.

She never felt this way, to be so in love, to have someone there, yet feel so alone.
Isn't he supposed to be the one to wipe her tears, the one to say that he would never leave?

She doesn't know what hurts him but she can feel it too
And it just hurts so much to know that she can't do a thing
And deep down in her heart, somehow she just knows that no matter what
She'll always love him.

She has him. She wants him back. The time where she knows when he looks at her, she's the only one he sees. Where is that? Is it her who's distant or him? He said he's always been there. She said that too. Where do they go now? Is there anything left to love about?

"Go ahead...replace me." she said.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What is Development?

   It's not just money matters, nor being "techy" or changing the style of the clothes in your dresser. :)

It's more on progressive improvement on the lives of human beings; this includes all aspects such as physical, emotional, intellectual, social, perceptual, and personality development. If we can understand how people live, we will then be able to know their full potentials, there we could start saying what development really is. 

Friday, November 14, 2008

v.i.p. passes

Good Day!
okae, so today was a very tiring day. The fact that our class started at 8am and then finished at 7:40pm. phew! tiring huh? That's not the worse part of it, it was raining hard today. HARD! but then it stoped, and then rained again.. and grabeh pa gyud ka igang! GOSH! could the day get worse? :) no. coz a matter of fact... I GOT VIP PASSES to the PCCL. Basketball players from FEU, ADZ, XU, USC..etc. nice isn't it? lots and lots of cute guys.

Cloty got to meet them and got pictures taken with them. I tell you, she had FUNNN. haha
Yes, we all had fun. I didn't get to meet the players though, jus shook their hands for congratulations and good lucks.

Till next time FEU, ADZU and USC! ^_^
This is not the end..haha

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Communication is...

...for me, a skill that must be learned. It is not only mere talking but speaking right, listening well, and being able to understand verbal and non-verbal meanings. Communication is an interactive process, so both sides of the party must be interactive with each other so that they will be able to impart information and so on.

I think that's it for me.. hehe that's the way how i understand it.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Road always traveled.

P.E. class finished early today (10/12/08), so i managed to go home for lunch since i wanted to save that extra 50php--Christmas is just around the corner you know. hehe
So anyway, as i was walking home to the usual road i always go, something or SOMEONE caught my attention. There was this old man, more or less a beggar, or i don't know what to call him, okae ... unfortunate man. sounds better doesn't it? hmm. okae to continue, he was crippled, he was having a hard time walking. I don't know why he was in our road, our road was like very rocky and there were a little trees to give shade so it was really hot. I continued walking and then thinking to myself, "should i give this man money so that he could buy water?".. I kept on thinking about that over and over again. But i was mindless, so mindless that i just passed him by. :( geeee~ I felt guilty, I felt that God was talking to me saying "Poy, you should have helped him." Damn.

What if we were in his shoes? What if we were the ones who were unfortunate, crippled, the ones who needed help? How would we feel if those people who we asked for help didn't help us? Ask yourself that...

Till nextime :)