Wednesday, July 7, 2010

buzz. buzz. busy.

In our class this morning, we made a time table, and guess what? WHAT? We have to submit two articles per week. OMG! Thank God it's per group. But still, each of us had to provide ideas and our own articles to submit. Remember when I told you that I didn't write well? And that writing really isn't my thing? So maybe, this is where hell starts. For the rest of the semester, I'll be writing articles and reading some shit. I'm going to have a hard time, I'm sure of it. But so far, Journ classes were fun! I do admit that my outlook towards reading and writing has improved. (see I'm writing now. :D) And I read the newspaper sometimes, when it's available.

But that's not all my problem. There are other subjects too, you know. Like our DC7 where we have to conduct seminars. DC8 for theater where we have to run a play by the end of September. (I heard that was really the hardest part of the 3rd year life.) And of course, DC 89, my love -- Photography, where we have to take loads of photos so that, also by the end of September we will be able to put up a gallery of some sort in and off campus. :)

HAINAKO. Help me God!

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