Wednesday, July 28, 2010


haha photo journal gone wrong. I wasn't able to post any photos for the past 3 days! hmmm. I guess it was harder than I thought it would be. How do people do it?
I guess I'll just have to start all over. :(

Saturday, July 24, 2010


This will be the start of my Photo journey. :) I'm going to take pictures everyday until my next birthday.
The picture was taken by my cousin. (sorry. its not mine because I didn't hold a camera that night)

My Family. ♥

Sunday, July 18, 2010

When enemies turn into friends.

HAHA! Well, I wasn't her only enemy. There were a lot of us that hated her when she wont let us out of the gate when we were dismissed early. Yes, you got it right, our security guard. She was our worst enemy. She had this annoying voice that when she speaks we'd shut our eyes and cover our ears because it was really irritating.
But when you graduate from high school, you start missing a lot of things. The lines for those who were late. Weekly assemblies at the gym. Teacher Nene's scary look in her office when you're late. The recess bells. The lines at the canteen. The dismissal bells, and lastly the security guard. :)

You see, I've met with ate outside the school premises several times already. And I tell you it's weird not seeing her with her officer uniform. I waved at her and made pangumusta's and then leave.

I was going home from rodeo practice and our presence met ones again. Usual hi's and hello's and pangumusta's. Since we were going the same way, we rode in the same motorela. Then we had mini conversations. She was pretty good! hahaha Not the strict security guard I once knew. When I told the driver "lugar lang" and gave my fare, ate guard offered to pay my fare. Ain't that nice of her? :)

I guess enemies really turn into friends at one point in life. :)

Saturday, July 17, 2010


By: Nico Fredia

For a business man, time is gold. For a mother, time is spent with her children.
I chose this photo for two reasons -- one, I adore black and white photography. It's just the simplicity of it all. The impact. The color. Second, I love how despite their situation, they still manage to spend time with each other which in the urban areas are unlikely to happen in one family. The mom has work here, the dad has a business meeting there, the eldest has cheer leading practice, and the youngest has soccer tryouts. In this crazy world, you can't help but just miss those times spent together with your family.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

buzz. buzz. busy.

In our class this morning, we made a time table, and guess what? WHAT? We have to submit two articles per week. OMG! Thank God it's per group. But still, each of us had to provide ideas and our own articles to submit. Remember when I told you that I didn't write well? And that writing really isn't my thing? So maybe, this is where hell starts. For the rest of the semester, I'll be writing articles and reading some shit. I'm going to have a hard time, I'm sure of it. But so far, Journ classes were fun! I do admit that my outlook towards reading and writing has improved. (see I'm writing now. :D) And I read the newspaper sometimes, when it's available.

But that's not all my problem. There are other subjects too, you know. Like our DC7 where we have to conduct seminars. DC8 for theater where we have to run a play by the end of September. (I heard that was really the hardest part of the 3rd year life.) And of course, DC 89, my love -- Photography, where we have to take loads of photos so that, also by the end of September we will be able to put up a gallery of some sort in and off campus. :)

HAINAKO. Help me God!

Monday, July 5, 2010

with the boys.

Okay, so I wasn't able to attend my Cropsci class today because I was hanging out with a bunch of well-known photographers in CdeO. (haha! if they can read this, they'd feel flattered) So anyway, yeah. I was the only girl in the bunch. That may sound like I'm a sort of.. ugh, i don't know the word. Basta! it sounds like... haha but I had fun with them talking about nonsense and all, about videography, photography, and what to do if you only had a square of tissue paper and you were disposing the garbage on your body. lol CRAZY STUFF! X)

stayed at Brewberry, ate Missy Bonbon gelato, went to Ketkai for shoe shopping, ate again at Sunburst, stayed at Bo's Cafe.