Monday, August 16, 2010


A stressful month for me. Consecutive sleepless nights. I got used to the fact that sleeping at 2am is my everyday agenda. All this because of school! I know that I'm not supposed to express discontent because hey, it's school. You're supposed to be flooded with requirements and be pressured with deadlines. I mean, I'm not the only one who's feeling this. I think every student has this feeling. I think it's a part of a student's life, stress.

So yes, All of our subjects demand certain requirements. All 7 of them. MAJOR requirements. And they're not giving us easy ones. Especially our elective - Cropsci. It's harder than our major subjects. See, I really don't understand why minors are actually harder than our majors. Gives me headaches just thinking about that video documentary we have to make about rice. Plus the problems with Theater class, and Journ, and seminar, and! I think that's it so far. hmm oh wait, there's more. Outside school stuff. Need not mention it here now. Maybe some other entry.

And now I'm not in the mood to make assignments or anything for that matter. :(
Good night.

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