Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I guess I have to write a blog now huh ? Welcome me back internet blogerrish shit! XD

Okay, so here's the thing. I was placed in the Journalism major which was pretty shocking for me because I don't even write well, and reading isn't my best asset. Confused, I was. Frustrated, even more! Left out because all my barkada was placed in EdCom. (So just in case you don't know what I'm talking about, our course is Development Communication which has two majors namely Journalism and Educational Comm.) Still up to this day it hasn't sink in yet that I actually am a journalism student. Writing and reading isn't my thing at all. I'm more on the artistic side -- photography, graphic designs, photoshops and all those shenanigans.

It's going to be a challenging 2 years for me now. WRITE! WRITE! WRITE! and READ! READ! READ! :) what the eff. Got nothing else to do but just do it. I'm not mad anymore though, I actually had mix emotions when my classmate told me that I was placed in Journ and the rest of the crew was Edcom. Some part of me said "kyawa basad!" and then another part said "that's okay. I'm going to be journalist someday! AWESOME!" haha. see? Mixed.

So far, after a week of going to school, everything's okay. We started writing already. That's why I re-activated this account. I should really practice writing already. I feel as if I'm the only one in the class that doesn't know how to write. :( That would be pretty embarrassing. >.< So here's to Pens and Papers and long hours of writing.