Sunday, February 1, 2009

Dora! Where's the Map?

What is community mapping based on my experience on the past two exercises?
Community mapping is a way of identifying the places in your community; it makes it easy to analyze. It also provides a visual way of communicating to the audience. I have leaned that to be exact and accurate about your map is highly important, because people depend on it. Tourists depend on it. You really have to include the twists and turns of the map you are making so that the people who will watch it would know the specific places. In our experience on the community mapping exercise, going to the places wasn't as backbreaking as we thought it would be but the making of the map is. We were jumbled for we didn't know what to put in out 1/2 manila paper. Because if we were to put all the stores, it wouldn't fit :) That's what's tiring. hehe
How do i think it could be applied to our communities?

Simply by letting ourselves be in participation of map drawing. In this way, we will be able to familiarize places in our community, help those places who are in need of improvement. :)